RUEthless Irons
My Name Is Rue McLean I've been Tattooing over 20 years and building machines Professionally For 10 Years I build Custom Builds and also Ready to go Builds. I build Coil Machines and Rotary Machines all in Houston Texas You can buy through me Directly or Kingpin Tattoo Supply

Custom Built Tattoo Machines
I build Custom Builds To order Roatrys , and Coil Machines Just let me Know what your wanting your tool to do for you . If your not sure send your work and what groupings your using I myself am a Tattoo artist so I build for Artist

Hand Made Hand Built High Quality
All my Machines are Built Here In Houston Texas. Hand Built and Hand Made with Highest Quality Material's

Guaranteed Due To Natural Wear and Tear
Each machine is Guaranteed Due to Natural Wear and tear . Spring snaps , Motor Malfunction's . I Stand Behind my Builds and truly apricate every artist who trust me to build there tools for the trade